The strange story of the day revolves around Lassana Diarra, who found himself at the center of a bizarre rumor claiming that he went to Syria to wage jihad. However, both the midfielder and his representatives vehemently denied these allegations. Diarra’s lawyer, Me Eric Dupond-Moretti, dismissed the news as absurd, emphasizing that Diarra is a professional football player for Lokomotiv Moscow in Russia.
Diarra’s lawyer stated, “He denies in the most formal, most categorical, most absolute way ever having gone to Syria. He has never set foot in Syria.” He also mentioned that Diarra has a match scheduled for the upcoming Sunday. Diarra has been playing for Lokomotiv Moscow since the beginning of the season, having previously left Anzhi Makhachkala.
To further dispel the rumors, the former Arsenal player himself mocked the situation by posting a message on Twitter, accompanied by a photo.
In Syria Lol the joke good evening to all on twitter G5!!!!
Tags: buzz, Eric Dupond-Moretti, France, jihad, Lassana Diarra, Lokomotiv Moscow, Russia, Syria, Twitter