It seems that the Ace Vclub of Kinshasa is expressing dissatisfaction with the functioning of Linafoot, the organizing body for football in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Denis Kambayi Tshimbumbu, the vice-president of the club, has raised concerns about participating in the upcoming DRC football championship (Division 1) scheduled to start in February 2013.
The club’s decision not to participate appears to be contingent on the issues they have identified within Linafoot. Denis Kambayi specifically mentioned their discontent with the dysfunction of Linafoot, which they feel the Congolese Football Association (Fecofa) has been unable to address or sanction.
The club is particularly critical of the current executive committee of Linafoot, expressing a reluctance to participate if the same individuals continue to manage the organization. However, there is a conditional possibility of Ace Vclub reconsidering their decision if Linafoot can address and reverse what the club considers unnecessary decisions made in the previous season.
Despite their reservations, the Ace Vclub has decided to participate in the general assembly of Linafoot, scheduled for January 5 in Mbuji-Mayi. It appears that the club intends to use this platform to convey their concerns, highlighting what they perceive as dysfunction, incompetence, and bad faith within Linafoot.
The situation reflects the challenges and tensions that can arise between football clubs and governing bodies, and it will be interesting to see how these issues are addressed during the general assembly and whether any resolutions are reached.