Guinea is grappling with a devastating tragedy that unfolded at the Stade du 3 Avril in N’Zérékoré during the final moments of a tournament organized under the auspices of President Mamadi Doumbouya.
A fatal stampede claimed the lives of over 50 people, leaving countless others injured.
This incident has cast a shadow over an event meant to celebrate sport as a unifying force for national cohesion.
According to government reports, the chaos erupted following disputes over refereeing decisions.
Frustration among fans escalated into stone-throwing, triggering a panic that led to the deadly stampede.
The government expressed deep condolences to the bereaved families and pledged psycho-medical support for the injured.
In a statement, authorities vowed to investigate the tragedy thoroughly to determine accountability. “Sport is a symbol of unity,” they emphasized, lamenting the unfortunate turn of events.
As Guinea mourns this profound loss, questions arise about stadium safety protocols and crowd management measures.
While the nation mourns, public services have mobilized to support the affected families.
This sombre moment serves as a poignant reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of prioritizing safety in public gatherings.
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